Dvorak Kayak & Rafting Expeditions, Inc


United States


17921 U.S. Hwy 285 Nathrop Colorado 81236


Latitude: 38.679047

Longitude: -106.094056

Bill and Jaci Dvorak





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Bill and Jaci Dvorak have been operating Dvorak Rafting and Kayak Expeditions, located in the scenic Arkansas River Valley at the headwaters of the Arkansas River in Colorado, since 1985. As one of the early pioneers of western white water river rafting in Americas’ Rocky Mountains, the Dvoraks own the first outfitter license by the state of Colorado. Bill Dvorak’s river trips, white water skills camp and swift water training programs are world renown and have been featured in ESPN, National Geographic, and the Chicago Tribune and in several travel books and television specials.


Bill and Jaci Dvorak are outdoor educators of long standing. Married in 1969, the Dvoraks spent many years teaching school in Australia and managing outdoor leadership courses for Outward Bound in New Zealand, Asia and England. In 1979, Bill Dvorak took over the leadership of the Partners River Program out of Denver, an outdoor educational program for disadvantaged youth, which he and Jaci purchased in 1984 and renamed Dvorak’s Kayak& Rafting Expeditions. Bill and Jaci have a daughter and son who are both active guides with Dvorak Expeditions. Bill received his Masters in Alternative and Experiential Education from the University of Colorado in 1981.

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