Captain Jamie Allen
United States
1251 12th St E Boca Grande, FL 33927
Latitude: 26.757469
Longitude: -82.262453
Communication language
No, he’s not a native but he got here just as fast as he could via a shortcut thru San Diego, CA and Durango, CO. Born and raised in Vermont, he rushed home after school to get his fishin pole and head out to the streams and creeks nearby. Not particularly picky at this point, he caught whatever he could, wherever he could. He even brought his catch home sometimes when he was particularly proud of them or when he thought they would really love to live in the bath tub. Ask his mom what it’s like to get home from a hard day at work and slip into a nice tub full of catfish. That’s a story none of them is going to forget! Of course his mom and dad took him fishing in the nearby lakes and being Vermont , then there was also ice fishing!
He went off and joined the Coast Guard to see the world and get an engineering degree and got to sail on the Eagle, the flagship of the US Coast Guard, and even signed on for a second cruise to see the Caribbean.
He soon ended up in San Diego, CA and of course, there was fishing there too! (Actually that’s how I met him).
He missed the mountains and seasons and oh yeah, hunting, so moved to Durango, CO where he soon became a nuisance to the local Duranglers flyfishing shop. Of course, he met a few guides along the way and that started the dream. He still supports the Big Brothers and Big Sisters Dos Moscas fly fishing tournament they hold there in the summer by donating trips as prizes and would love to go back and fish anytime.
In between the working and the fishing and the hunting, he managed a trip to Florida, and well, it was love at first bite. The look on his face after he caught his first Tarpon was only surpassed by the arrival of his sons a few years before, so soon he ended up here, in Southwest Florida playing among the Silver Kings. He was lucky enough to make the acquaintance of one Tommy Locke who was good enough to help him get that first Tarpon. Of course prior to that, he managed to make Tommy chuckle by catching a trash can slam of things not usually caught on a fly! Well, Tommy didn’t hold that against him and for some reason still let’s him hang around.
He managed to get in with a real bunch of characters when Rod Walinchus and a few others decided to start the Charlotte Harbor Fly Fishers, what an assortment of misfits. You can read about many of their adventures in the local papers and once a year they hold an informational introduction to fly fishing day for anyone who wants to show up and listen. It’s usually a whole lot of fun and some really good food provided by their corporate sponsor. During season they meet on the second Wednesday of the month.
Hey,hey,hey do I get to talk now. Yes all the above is true… My wife loves to tease me about my past,present and some how she seems to predict the future. Well … I guess she knows me.
I truly feel I have the best job in the world. Not only does my office view change daily. It always makes me my anglers smile. My goal is to have fun while catching fish.
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