Rod and Wheel House
New Zealand
P O Box 48 Lumsden New Zealand 9742
Широта: -45.740626
Долгота: 168.443663
021 025 024 03
0411 120 226
Язык общения
Rod and Wheel House is a perfect location for families, friends and sporting groups who seek to enjoy trout fishing, tramping, cycling or sightseeing on the South Island of New Zealand.
The house is fully renovated and provides four cosy bedrooms with a rimu panelled lounge/dining room and modern kitchen. It is a quiet, snug holiday house within walking distance to shops, a pub, the supermarket and a number of cafe's.
Rod and Wheel House offers a self-contained style of holiday and is only booked to one group of people. Only one hours drive from Queenstown, Te Anau or Invercargill, the holiday house provides quality accommodation for visitors interested in a wide variety of sporting or tourist activities. A unique place to stay on the South Island of New Zealand surrounded by beautiful scenery.
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