B & B Sports
New Zealand
65 Main Street, Gore, Southland New Zealand
Широта: -46.100166
Долгота: 168.945293
+64 3 208 0801
+64 3 208 7849
Язык общения
B&B Sports are a leading sports retailer based in Gore, Eastern Southland, New Zealand, stocking top quality sports equipment at very competitive prices
How do I get to the South Island?
Daily international flights arrive from around the world at either Auckland , Christchurch, Dunedin or Queenstown.
Driving times to Gore (the centre of Southland's fishing) are:
From Christchurch: 6 hours
From Dunedin: 2 hours
From Invercargill: 50 minutes
From Queenstown: 2 hours
All this is easy driving on wide-open highways and the above times allow for some stops on the way.
What type of equipment and gear should I bring?
#5 or #6 weight rod & dark coloured fly line.
Size #12 - 18 Dry Flys & Nymphs( black or gold beads).
Breatheable waders not necessary but can be useful plus wading boots with felt soles.
Warm clothes and polyprops if the weather changes, and a good rain coat.
What time of the year is the best time to come?
November to April provides excellent fishing but the months of November and December are ideal, as there is no crowding of the rivers by other visiting anglers.
February / March sees usually settled weather and great fishing but is a very popular time for other international anglers.
Note: Southland's river fishing season runs from October 1st to April 30th.
What is the weather like?
The climate of South Island is a reasonably temperate one. Being an island, our climate is dictated by the seas around us and therefore can be changeable.
But that is the beauty of Southland - if the weather is not suitable for fishing in one area, a 30 minute drive could find you in conditions that are perfect for fishing.
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