Wollaston Lake Lodge




3910 Thatcher Ave Saskatoon, SK S7R 1A4


Широта: 58.107614

Долгота: -103.771092


(800) 328-0628

(306) 668-1064

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FishingWollaston Lake’s 800-square miles of cool, clear water plunges to depths down to 400 feet. Numerous rivers pour highly oxygenated water into the bays. These factors, along with a tremendous forage base which helps our fish grow to such legendary size, provide the perfect habitat for our Northern Pike, Lake Trout, Walleye and Arctic Grayling.

These four species make up the Grand Slam of freshwater fishing. It is incredibly rare to find all four of these highly sought after species in the same lake anywhere in the world, much less Saskatchewan.

Each of our guides are true professionals and are skilled in all fishing methods. They are more than ready to show you the thrill of learning a new technique. They also know the pure adrenaline rush of fighting a huge fish, and their job is to help you feel it too.


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