Fullflight Game Farm & Hunt Club
United States
4 Brattleboro Road Bernardston
Широта: 42.671694
Долгота: -72.554433
Edwin Gray
413 648 9580
Язык общения
Fullflight Game Farm & Hunt Club invites you to enjoy a pristine western Massachusetts hunting experience. Fullflight began 15 years ago, born of a love of the sport of upland game bird hunting, Fullflight Game Farm and Hunt Club offers you a unique hunting experience.
Fullflight Game Farm provides stock for game preserves and hunt clubs throughout the World. We specialize in a wide selection of birds including Ring-necked pheasants, Mongolian pheasants, Chukar partridges, Hungarian Partridges, and Bob-white quail. Hatching eggs and raising gamebirds of excellent quality is our goal at Fullflight.
We are NPIP certified- #1282. During the season we set over 25,000 eggs a week, shipping another 25,000 per week.
We hatch and raise over 250,000+ birds every year.
We provide an excellent upland hunting experience for sportsmen wanting to enjoy the unspoiled natural cover found on the 350 acres of Silvery Moon Farm. Fullflight offers half-day hunts from September through May with both morning and afternoon guided hunts available. We also offer European Tower Shoots. Experienced pointing and flushing dogs are available from Fullflight's kennel. Or sportsmen may bring their own dogs. Periodic stocking of our hunt acreage from the game farm's quality birds assures a rewarding hunting experience. Whether you are new to the sport of upland bird hunting or a seasoned hunter, you are sure to appreciate what Fullflight has to offer: a scenic countryside with a mix of forest and field, and quality birds to hunt, accompanied by experienced guides and dogs.
We also offer a full line of seasonal Wreaths and greens. Wholesale prices are available. Please see our web site for further information.
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