Cape Cod Charters


United States


1082 Orleans Rd. N. Chatham, MA 02050


Latitude: 41.708604

Longitude: -69.985833



(800) 316-5484

(508) 945 2256

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Cape Cod Charters was established more than thirty years ago in Provincetown. It was named Top Rod Charters then after a bunch of fellow anglers that met at Matt’s breakfast diner to compare (brag?) about their catch from the night’s fishing. The angler with the biggest amount of fish was seated at the head table and whatever he wanted to eat was paid for by all the other anglers. Back then this was mostly night fishing for Striped Bass. Running the beaches from Wood end to Mission Bell, it was cold, windy, and dark trying to find shore breaks and troughs, hoping to catch some fish and make some money. 

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