Sitka Point Lodge


United States


4110 Halibut Point Rd Sitka, AK 99835


Latitude: 57.126292

Longitude: -135.383213


(888) 747 7406

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Sitka Fishing Charters

Alaska Fishing ChartersA special breed of angler flocks to this nook of the world, where fishing lore is born. Sitka Point fishing charters give rise to legendary tales of hour-long fights, reel-spooling runs, and an angry King Salmon majestically soaring above the water to shake off a lure.

Sitka is home to world class Alaskan salmon and halibut fishing. The wildlife that abounds in and around Sitka is abundant. We could only begin to tell you about the bald eagles, otters, bears and marine life; you have to visit to see for yourself.

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