Lisianski Inlet Lodge


United States


Lot 17, Sunnyside Pelican, AK 99832


Latitude: 57.984261

Longitude: -136.258206



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Southeast Alaska Fishing Charters information

Fishing Area: the area we fish most often is 45-60 minutes from the lodge on the outside coast of Yakobi Island.  This area is know as Deer Harbor and is the go-to fishing location for charter boats from Pelican, Elfin Cove and Gustavus as well as private boats from Juneau and yachts from all over the world.  We just happen to be the closest fishing lodge to Deer Harbor in the area!  
Not to worry, a benefit of our prime location is that we have plenty of great fishing in calm waters too. Inside of Cross Sound, Icy Strait and Lisianski Inlet the water is flat and while it's not the instant gratification that we usually find on the outside coast the fishing is still pretty good.  Sometimes fishing close to the lodge in the flat calm water is more productive as less run time makes more fishing time.

We fish for king salmon in several ways depending on time of year, conditions and our guests preference.

Trolling: trolling for salmon is the technique that is most common in our area.  Electric down riggers with 12 pound cannon ball weights get the gear down around 120-150'.  Trolling speed is usually around 2-2.6 knots and our favorite gear consists of flashers with herring or hoochies and large copper or brass spoons.  Trolling is nice in that it requires little physical effort allowing everyone to sit back and watch the rods.  When a rod is bit the person whose turn it is leaps across the deck and sets the hook in a wild frenzy.  Sometimes all the rods get hit at once and things really get out of hand!  Trolling is a very effective way to fish for salmon and is also a good way to keep "scrap fish" off the lines.  In our area there are a lot of black rockfish and depending on the time of year, huge numbers of "humpie" or pink salmon.  Trolling allows us to fish fast enough to keep the undesirable fish off the gear, leaving more hook time for the big kings!

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