Barneck Outfitters


United States


P.O. Box227 Tilghman


Latitude: 38.723112

Longitude: -76.329822





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Barneck Outfitters



Welcome to the home of Barneck Outfitters. We are Located in the picturesque fishing village known as Tilghman Island Maryland. Barneck Outfitters started its guided hunting operations on the Eastern Shore in 1986 catering to Diver Duck Hunters and eventually including Seaducks, Canada Goose and Puddle Ducks. We recently expanded our hunting locations to include some of the finest Whitetail Deer hunting and Spring Turkey hunting the Eastern Shore of Maryland has to offer. Barneck Outfitters top priority is to get our hunters the best possible shooting at the species they most desire to include Canvasback, Bluebill, Old Squaw and all 3 Scoters. With our mid bay location, we can provide some of the best wingshooting at the largest variety of birds the Atlantic flyway has to offer. We also boast to be one of the least commercialized outfitters available. We give our experienced hunters the leeway to hunt the way they prefer, as well as fully guide hunts to those just taking up the sport. Whether it be a day of seaducking on the bay, river diver duck hunting, Canada Goose hunting, Chesapeake Bay layout hunting, or chasing that trophy Tom Turkery or Whitetail Deer of a lifetime, let our proffessional and courteous guides provide you with the hunt of a lifetime.

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