Alger Flats Outfitters
United States
P.O. Box 33 Perdue Hill
Latitude: 31.516721
Longitude: -87.497346
Tyler Silcox
+1 251-564-6613
Communication language
No mailbox
Like many of us, I missed out on the glory days of Southern quail hunting as experienced by our fathers and grand dads. I thought that, for the average guy, the sort of quail hunting experience chronicled by the great upland writers of the past was gone forever, a victim of changes in agriculture and land use. But I changed my mind this past March, thanks to a memorable weekend hunt with Tyler Silcox.
How memorable? Well let’s just say I was coming off the close of a woodcock season in my home state of Louisiana where my pointer and I flushed around 30 birds a day. At the time I didn’t think upland hunting could get any better.
But my weekend in Alabama chasing quail with Tyler has to go down as the real highlight of my upland season. The comradery couldn’t have been better, the birds were plentiful, hard flying and full of surprises and it was a privilege to experience the land passing under our boots in that beautiful section of Alabama. Hunting with my dog and Tyler’s gang of pointers—energetic German shorthairs that probably see more quail in a year than the rest of us could hope to in a couple lifetimes—truly felt like upland hunting at its finest.
As we followed the dogs through the pine forests, CRP fields and around a beaver pond, points were both plentiful and full of expectation. Would it be a single little buzz bomb this time, a double, triple—or perhaps even a fabled “Texas covey rise” where four or five birds flush, then two or three more, followed by an unexpected a tail-end Charlie. Best stay on your toes. Experience that kind of covey rise just once and you’ll realize you need to reload faster if you intend to keep the respect of those talented pointers.
The folks who run this property obviously love bird dogs and bird hunting. Clearly it’s more than just a business venture for them and I drove away feeling more like a friend than merely another client. It was a privilege to be able to share their land for a weekend and make it part of my life’s memories.
For me, the weekend distilled the hunting experience down to its essence, to share to the fullest with like-minded individuals. Like our dogs, we have only a limited number of those memorable days, those unforgettable experiences, in the calendar of our lives so they should be savored to the last drop.
And speaking of savored, those fried quail breasts and legs with scrambled eggs back home the next morning tasted mighty fine as I relived the memories I made with Tyler that weekend.
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