Cedar Ridge Pheasants


United States


27 Greenfield Rd. Greenbush


Latitude: 45.041255

Longitude: -68.527549





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Cedar Ridge Pheasants is located in central Maine.
Home to championship Whitetail Deer, Moose, Wild Turkey and of course the Maine Black Bear. 
The local rivers offer some of finest Smallmouth Bass fishing in New England.

We feel that we have a very challenging hunt for most of our upland game and strive to raise 
healthy flight conditioned birds. We offer Ringneck Pheasants,and Jumbo Bobwhite Quail..
Our hunting preserve consist of 1st year and 2nd year growth with several miles of groomed trails 
to hunt from. As time progress's we will be adding several more miles.


At our hatchery we have eggs to adult birds for sale. ( Depending on the time of year. ) We offer 
Ringneck Pheasant and occasionally Quail and Chukar Partridge.


Cedar Ridge Pheasants is a family run business that started as a hobby. After several years of 
trying to train a dog on our native grouse.( Without much success.) We decided to purchase a few 
Quail eggs to hatch. Thought it would be a great idea to let the kids watch them hatch. Then we 
would have some birds to train with. Well one thing led to another and a few Quail grew into a 
couple of hundred. Then someone had the bright idea of trying to raise some Pheasants. Same 
story several grew into a thousand or so. We have since learned thats its not a good idea to look 
in the magazines at  ornamental pheasants....


So now the hobby has turned into a dream. Having a family business where everyone can come 
and have a great time. So far we have had a great response with the hatchery and the hunting 
has grown considerably.

If your coming from far or near, why not bring the family. Maine is a four season state, that has 
many outdoor sports to enjoy. No matter what you like for outdoor sports I am sure you can find it 
here in Maine.

We would like to thank everyone for the support they gave us this past year.

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