Arizona Raft Adventures


United States


4050 E. Huntington Drive, Flagstaff, AZ 86004


Latitude: 35.215960

Longitude: -111.589367






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If you are an avid angler, Grand Canyon fishing can be an amazing addition to a rafting adventure. You may bring a fly fishing or a spin fishing collapsible rod as long as it is contained in a hard shell case. Typically fishing is best before the Little Colorado River confluence (the first 60 miles below Lee’s Ferry) or during the non-rainy season when the river water is running more clear. Although trout is often the most desirable catch, there are also bass, catfish, carp, and the famous humpback chub.  The Humpback Chub and the Razorback Sucker are endangered specieslocated within Grand Canyon National Park.


The main foods for trout are freshwater amphipods, aquatic worms, midges and small fry. We practice catch and release with artificial lures and flies. De-barb your hooks and bring pliers for easy fish release. The Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center requests if you catch a tagged fish, please report it. Read more about reporting a tagged fish. You are required to have a fishing license. You may purchase your Arizona fishing license in advance online or by calling the Arizona Game and Fish Department 602-942-3000. Licenses are also available at Wal-mart if you are in Flagstaff prior to your trip.

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