Golden Bear Outfitting



British Columbia

Box 60 Charlie Lake


Широта: 56.384185

Долгота: -121.055944

Greg Williams


250 827 3648

517 542 4515

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We have now completed seven seasons at Golden Bear. After over 30 years in the outfitting business we have learned that no matter how many years you are at it every year dishes up its own brew of excitement and hunting adventure. We have had seasons as dry as a tinder box when we had to deal with huge forest fires and smoke, sometimes the weather is wet and foggy, other times cold and snowy. Guides and hunters are always ready to with whatever mother nature throws at them and they are always ready and up for the challenge. Golden Bear once again produced some great trophies, some of them destined for the record book. Click here to take a look at some of this year's trophies. It is true that not every hunter went home with a trophy but we can guarantee that no one was shortchanged on the experience of a true wilderness adventure or by the effort of the Golden Bear team. Click here to read about this past year’s hunts. If you are a serious trophy hunter seeking a record book animal, or a hunter wanting a good mixed bag hunt with possible opportunities at better than average trophies, you must give this area serious consideration. When you combine our 35 years of experience in the guiding and outfitting industry, an awesome crew that is second to none, plus a phenomenal trophy-producing area like Golden Bear, we can safely say that your chances of success are an almost certainty. We will make every effort to ensure your hunt is a positive and memorable experience. Click here to read about our crew. 

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