Wade Lemon Hunting


United States


PO Box 222 Holden


Широта: 39.096071

Долгота: -112.268835



(435) 795-2299

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At Wade Lemon Hunting, we are committed to quality Trophy Hunts. We have successfully been guiding and outfitting clients for over 35 years. We specialize in giving our clients an experience of a lifetime and harvesting trophy world class animals. We primarily operate on public/private lands in Utah as well as several premium hunting areas in Sonora, Mexico. Our goal is to help our clients have an unforgettable experience while harvesting the largest animal in the areas we are hunting.



I have been guiding outdoorsmen, conservationists, hunters, and livestockmen throughout the United States and Canada since 1978. I have specialized in my first love, which is professionally guiding for trophy mountain lion and black bear with my personally trained Big Game Hounds.



I’ve had the opportunity to help pioneer hound hunting for leopard in Zimbabwe, Africa and hunt cattle killing jaguar in the Amazon.



I also offer outstanding trophy hunts for mule deer, elk, antelope, desert bighorn sheep, mountain goat, Rocky Mountain Bighorn, and te only free roaming buffalo herd in the western United States. I am also offering coues deer, mule deer, desert bighorn sheep, and javelina hunts in Sonora Mexico.



At no time in recent history have big game opportunities been better. Each year many record class trophies are taken.



My family has been ranching and hunting a lot of this country for the past 150 years. There is much beauty and history in this land. Come let me share with you, what I call, “God’s Country.”

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