High Brass Hunting Preserve


United States


3178 E 2150 Rd Grant


Широта: 33.895530

Долгота: -95.462855

High Brass. Mark Baugu




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High Brass Hunting Preserve





Every hunt has a great meal and fellowship. Come and let us help make that little thing called life a lot better. Warm up with some skeet shooting, or have a little contest with your buddies, or just enjoy some down time. 


Our Goal…Our Mission…Our Passion!


Our goal is that each and every hunter that visits our ranch has an experience they won't forget.


Our mission is to bring fathers together with sons or daughters, making bonds that last a lifetime. Husbands and wives enjoy a hunt together. Also, we take pride in helping any company or corporation bring their customers and employees together.



Our passion is hunting, fellowship, and introducing our sport to others.



Who We Are



It all began around a fire with conversations of what wonders the great outdoors has to offer. All one needs to do is seek it out. Once a dream, now a reality, our hunting preserve is something we want to share with you. Come join us for a fun filled hunting experience you will not forget at High Brass Hunting Preserve.



Our Business



Our Business was born because we wanted to do what we love for a living. We have hunted all of our lives and enjoy the outdoors. It always seemed that our place was where all our family and friends gathered to hunt and eat. So, we just decided to open up our home and experience to others.

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