Dabblers & Divers Guide Service


United States


329 N Main St Stoddard


Широта: 43.666597

Долгота: -91.219410



608 457 2122

608 457 2214

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Majestic Hunting


Your hunt will take place on pool 8 of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge stages 50 percent of the world’s canvasback population and 40 percent of the United State’s waterfowl population. The majestic beauty of the river and the views of the river bluffs are spectacular.




On any given day you may experience the chance to shoot various species of Dabblers (mallard, wigeon, gadwall, pintail, shoveler, green wing teal, and blue wing teal, and Divers (canvasback, red head, bufflehead, goldeneye, merganser, ring neck, ruddy, lesser scaup, and greater scaup).




You will experience hunting the Mississippi from the comfort of a heated 20 foot custom designed duck boat. To ensure that each hunt is enjoyable, a spread of 100+ decoys will be laid out, and a gun dog will provide retrieving. Additionally, a large (straight from the skillet) breakfast, coffee, other beverages, and snacks will be provided.

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