Hunters Creek Safari Outfitters


South Africa




Широта: -22.831998

Долгота: 28.762743






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Hunters Creek’s Vision


Our vision is the fulfillment of a dream to offer those who visit, stay and hunt here an unrivaled experience which captures the ethos of a bygone ere – an era in Africa’s history when the pace of life was defined by the rising and setting of the sun, rather than the ticking of a clock. A place of untouched and unspoiled beauty where the haze of modern living is unknown; the air is crystal clear, the sky of the deepest blue, the stars a brightness seldom seen.


Its ethos revives man’s primal instinct to hunt; rekindles the passion of an era where mankind was one with nature. Living the passion and uncertainty of tracking prey. Will the prey be found? Can the shot be taken? Can that fleeting second of opportunity be grasped and the quarry downed? Imbibing through the hunt, the romance and mystery of our oneness with nature.


This is the dream that Hunters Creek seeks to bring to life through its dedicated team of professionals – hunters whose bush crafts is their way of life; animal trackers whose skills have been acknowledged as an art and a talent that is a marvel; skinners and support staff who ensure that the finest trophies can be the greatest source of pride. Endlessly reviving in memory the thrill and rush of exhilaration in that of success when the quarry falls.


And then the breathtaking beauty of the setting sun; the irresistible draw of the campfire with its fascinating dance of light and shadow that stills the soul; gives peace of mind and a venue where we relive the adventures of the day. But the sensuous challenge is not done, because the sumptuous meal awaits, a unique African cuisine that tempts and charms the palate, banquets fit for the best.


This is the dream and romance of the old African safari, revived at Hunters Creek. Our staff and facilities are dedicated only to one thing, to bring to life your wish for a memorable African adventure from days gone by.


Your wish is our command.

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