Artemis Outdoors, Inc.


United States


P.O. Box 1633 / Three Rivers


Latitude: 28.459857

Longitude: -98.173506



(361) 786-1877

(361) 786-1577

(361) 786-1577

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Our business is dedicated to wildlife planning and development in the state of Texas. Over the past decade, we have helped rural landowners in the state of Texas improve the quantity and/or quality of wildlife on their properties.


The nature of the rural economy in Texas has changed vastly over the past 15 years. Previously, the basis for land value was the ability to build and support a livestock ranching program on a property. The boom of interest in wildlife and wildlife enterprises has changed the landscape of land valuation and created a new economic opportunity for many landowners. The potential for a greater economic return from a wildlife enterprise such as hunting or fishing has surpassed that of a livestock operation in many areas of the state.

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