Upper Valley Outfitters


United States

New Hampshire

69 Hanover Street Lebanon


Широта: 43.603066

Долгота: -72.222149



(603) 448-4711

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Thank you for your interest in UVO Bait & Tackle.


Our mission is to provide the highest quality live fishing bait available, at good value, to our customers.  We recognize the importance of customer service and will always endeavor to provide fair, friendly, and reliable service.  We are always willing to provide friendly advice, when asked, and we are eager to update our customers with the latest tips, news and reports on fishing conditions.


Owner Forrest Cole, assisted by his wife, Jean recently relocated UVO Bait & Tackle to their home on Great Brook Road, in Lebanon.  Because of their busy work and family schedule, UVO Bait & Tackle is operated on a self-service, honor system basis when we are not at home or working around the farm.  We encourage our customers to come into our barn yard, look for the Bait Shop sign and help themselves to the bait.  Prices are clearly posted and customers can leave the money in the jar, making change as required.  Transactions are CASH ONLY.


UVO Bait & Tackle will also be updating the old UVO Facebook page to reflect the changes we are making.  We will continue to update the page with content of interest to local sportsmen and women.




Here at UVO, we love all things hunting!  And I think that is beginning to show.  Here is a short description of a few of the hunting brands and activities that UVO supports here in the shop.




For generations, farmers, hunters, and outdoorsmen alike have extolled the virtues of wool for its ability to retain its warmth, even in the most unforgiving conditions. These pioneers of the North faced the worst mother nature could dish out, on the farm, on the job site and on the track of whitetail bucks, and they did so in the comfort of their favorite wool outerwear. Well, in 1999 another avid outdoorsman saw the need to further improve on the natural qualities of wool and Beagle Outdoor Wear was born. The quest was to develop an outerwear which was light, yet warm, and water resistant yet quiet. The garments needed to be functional for a variety of applications, comfortable to wear for hours on end and withstand the abuse any hardcore hunter could put them through. Suffice it to say, he did well.  We feel the Beagle Outdoor Wear of today, not only meets these exacting demands, but it has proven time and again to exceed even the most lofty of expectations.




We use the very best materials and state-of-the-art technology to create knives that meet the exacting demands you would expect of a high quality knife. And we stand behind every knife we make with our 4-Ever Warranty.


At Buck, you’ll always find a wide range of knives to choose from. Each knife we bring to market has been thoughtfully designed and engineered. Blending the right properties into stainless steel will ensure that your knife has the right hardness and strength. Heat-treating or tempering the blade helps the knife hold its edge longer and makes it easier for you to re-sharpen the blade. It’s the heart and soul of the blade in our humble opinion.


And yes, we really do sweat the small stuff. We also ask a lot of questions of people who use our knives. Some of our best ideas come from the people who use our knives the most. We make knives that meet the needs of our customers

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