Nahele Outfitters


United States


PO BOX 2328 Kealakekua


Широта: 19.520721

Долгота: -155.920591



(808) 936-4674

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Nahele Outfitters is a small family run operation.  Our goal is to give you a great hunting experience that  feels like you're on a hunt with friends.  We have exclusive access to some of the best private ranches on the Big Island.  Our guides have many years of professional hunting experience, and we are happy to share our knowledge about Hawaii Island.



Nahele is the Hawaiian Word for forest.  We hope to have the opportunity to take you for a hunt in the forests, plains, and mountains of Hawaii Island that most people visiting the islands will never experience.We also hope our guests will take some satisfaction from the fact that managing the population of  game animals has a profound benefit for the native forests of Hawaii.

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