San Francisco River Outfitters


United States

New Mexico

HC 61 Box 179-C Glenwood


Широта: 33.397516

Долгота: -108.794900

Tom Klumker



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Tom Klumker, your outfitter guide. We use some of the top guides in the West, which enables us to consistently harvest trophy class animals. I have owned horses and mules and have been packing into wilderness areas all of my life. In recent years some outfitters whom have no livestock opt to put some of their clients in for the wilderness hunts and then try to farm out the packing and camps to unqualified operators or they try to hunt from the trail heads. If you want a true traditional wilderness pack-in hunt where knowledge and experience count, give us a call.



San Francisco River Outfitters has just finished another great year with our success rates being very good. Our guided and outfitted archery elk hunters went 5 for 9 for a 55% success rate and our guided and outfitted rifle elk hunters went 12 for 15 for an 80% success rate. Our drop camp hunters didn’t fare as well but had great hunts never the less. Antler growth was good with our biggest bulls being a 380 and a 365 taken during the archery hunts in the Gila Wilderness. We had a majority of our bulls in the 320 plus range with several 330+ bulls taken. Most of these bulls were taken in the Gila Wilderness with three bulls taken in outside units including one 330 rifle bull taken in unit 27 in Arizona. The after effects of the Whitewater/Baldy Fire Complex are both a blessing and a hardship in that some of our trails are still impassible and our cross country routes make it harder to get to the more remote areas we hunt, while at the same time it makes it harder or impossible for other hunters to get there also, so some of the country has had a lot less hunting pressure the last three years and is helping keep the quality high. The 2015 elk draw was especially good for our rifle hunter applicants and a little less for our archery hunter applicants. I don’t know if this is due to archery becoming more popular or if it was just the luck of the draw. Into the future we will continue to do the bulk our hunts in the Gila Wilderness where we pack in by horseback and mule to get away from the roads and the concentration of hunters with the ever growing disruption caused by ATV’s in the outside roaded units. We continue to provide a top notch service with providing a great wall tent camp with a full time cook and full time wrangler/packer and 1×1 guided hunts. The elk herds continue to be good and we expect great things again in 2016 as the Gila Wilderness continues to produce good bulls.

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