Gator Raiderz


United States


Punta Gorda


Широта: 26.946110

Долгота: -82.004579




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For many folks, a gator hunt is one of those things at the top of every adventurer's bucket list.   That's why  you want to make sure you are booking a hunt that will give you the best experience and memories of a lifetime!



For most people the idea of spending thousands of dollars to drive out to a ditch to shoot a gator  just waiting for them is not the adventure they are looking for.  That's why our hunts last most of the night taking you well into the gator's domain to give you that huge rush of adrenaline!!



Our public water hunts include a full night of extreme air boating, 100% shoot opportunity, and if you do tag your gator early in the evening we offer you a chance to try some bow fishing or frog gigging to ensure you get a full night of Florida WILD life!!



We have been running a 100% success rate at filling your tag in one night.    If you are looking for only that trophy gator, then we recommend you book a two night trip to allow more time to get the big one.



 All of our prices are all inclusive with NO hidden trophy fees.


 We supply all equipment needed for a safe and successful hunt. Many hunters prefer to use a laser sighted crossbow but we also offer the use of a compound bow, a recurve bow, a harpoon or the simple snatch hook.  We want to make this trip everything you want it to be!


By the way,  if you have your own tags GatorRaiderz can come to you.  Most often those tags can be filled in one night, but we still recommend two nights to allow for unsafe weather conditions or the sometimes stubborn gator.

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