Dunkin Guide Systems


United States


717 E. Bowie - Harlingen


Широта: 26.203353

Долгота: -97.688461

Doug Dunkin



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Bay Fishing South Texas - Laguna Madre


The excitement of casting to tailing Reds and Trout can't be adequately described, it has to be experienced to be fully appreciated! We cruise the bays until we locate pods of Reds and Trout working Shrimp in the grass flats. The pods can be spotted from a distance because they usually drive shrimp into the air and the birds are diving onto them. We'll work our way upwind of these feeding pods and drift in closer, then anchor the boat, and wade to within casting distance. Within a cast or two to the feeding pods you're hooked up to some real exciting fishing!! Fly fishing, spinning or bait casting, either way it's a BLAST!!!



The area of the Lower Laguna Madre that we fish is located between South Padre Island, Texas and the Texas Gulf Coast mainland. It is a 30 mile stretch of protected bay that averages only 3 feet in depth. The waters are some of the most productive Red Fish and Speckled Trout waters found anywhere on the Gulf Coast. We specialize in shallow backwater flats fishing, for the Spin fisher, as well as Fly Fishing and Sight Casting for Reds, Trout, Snook and Flounder.



We provide day trips and multi-day package trips including meals and lodging. Our Lodges are located in South Padre Island, Arroyo City and Port Mansfield. For large groups we have a number of the best guides in the area working with us.



For your stay you will need to bring the following items: Polarized fishing glasses, wading booties, suntan lotion, bath towel, Texas fishing license and salt water stamp, shorts and short sleeve shirts (depending on the time of year) and a hard sided ice chest for your filets should you desire to take your fish home.


Exotic Hunts


Looking for exotic game. Checkout our game list. We hunt approximately 14 Ranches throughout Texas and provide you with the best hunt, at the best price. Tell us what you are looking to hunt, we can customize the right package for you.

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