Blum Ranch


United States

South Dakota

HC5 Box 16 Reliance


Широта: 43.878154

Долгота: -99.595169

Jay & Amy


(605) 730-0531

(605) 730-1110

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The Blum Ranch foundation was built long before brothers John & Bart purchased their first blade of grass along the Missouri River. Their parents instilled the boys with a strong sense of pride in agriculture. Their father passed away while the boys were still in high school, and the family moved to town. Deep in their hearts, they knew owning a cattle ranch near the river was their destiny, and they dedicated themselves to doing the work necessary to make it all happen.


Thanks to their faith, dedication, hard work and devoted wives, the ranch has bloomed in Lyman County. Much has changed in the operation's 50 year history. However, the family's core values and commitment to producing high quality cattle that perform well in the feedlot remain the same.


John and Bart, along with their wives Ruth and Pat, remain at the ranch's helm. Today, John's son Jay handles daily ranch management and works with his wife to take the ranch into the future for their four young children.


Part of the ranch's growing business model focuses on pheasant hunting. You won't find fanfare and extravagance at the Blum Ranch. You will, however, find a quiet, private place to hunt a bounty of wild birds. We manage our farming acres with both our livestock and hunting needs in mind. Pheasant hunting along the Missouri River means you'll enjoy beautiful vistas, wide open spaces and plenty of shots at some of the area's wildest birds!


Sharing their passion for agriculture, family and South Dakota is another piece of the family's business. Jay's wife Amy built a career working behind-the-scenes in fundraising. This amazing opportunity eventually allowed her to follow her passion for writing. Today, she is a full-time ranch mom who enjoys writing. Amy's freelance careercomplements her passion for family and agriculture.

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