Helluva Hunt Outfitters


United States


823 S Castell Ave, New Braunfels


Широта: 29.695776

Долгота: -98.116033



+1 830-620-1230

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The outfitting business was started by George Williamson in 2001. George grew up in Africa and Europe and hunted extensively in both countries. Growing up with a big game hunter, George's father, he was thrust into the sport at a very young age.

In George's opinion he learned from the best; his father has taken hundreds of animals and more than fifty of those animals have been recorded in " Rowland & Ward " record books. Some of his trophies included elephant, rhino, lions, cape buffalo and hippos. Hunting in those environments with some of the best professional hunters gave him an appreciation for the sport and for the art of guiding people to trophy animals.


George has taken animals in Africa, Europe, Mexico and North America. He also attended " Holland & Holland " shooting school. After moving back to Texas in 1998 with his wife Shay and sons George VII and Tanner, George continued to hunt in Texas with his family for native and exotic game. Quality hunts and outfitters seemed to be the only obstacles he found. It seemed that most hunts did not have the full package George was looking for. Though some of the hunts were good and did take some record book animals, there was still something missing. Wither the hunts were great and the guides were average, or the guides were great and the ranch was sub-standard. One thing he could always count on was quality taxidermy with a reasonable turn around time by " Comal Taxidermy Studio " with owner David Graham. In 2001 George decided to start his own outfitting business. With his past experiences with great outfitters and professional hunters, he could take what he had learned and put it to good use.

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