Brier Ridge Kennels & Outfitters


United States


2400 Moseley Rd, Moseley, VA 23120


Широта: 37.468876

Долгота: -77.777115




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Tom Petree is a successful upland guide and dog trainer who grew up in Chesterfield, Virginia. His enthusiasm for upland hunting and bird dogs began in the early 80’s after attending an outdoor sporting event hosted by Izaak Walton Park in Midlothian, Virginia. There, he watched field trialer Waverly Coleman show his well-known English Setters and speak about quail conservation. Tom paid $50 for his first English Setter, who showed him how and where to find quail, woodcock and grouse all over Virginia and West Virginia.

Years later, Tom’s career as a professional guide at Orapax Hunting Preserve and dog trainer at Brier Ridge Kennels & Outfitters has become a dream come true sparked by the passion and desire of that first dog.

His accomplishments can be attributed to his dear friend and mentor, Rick Smith, who believed in him and took his ability to the next level; his wife, Eileen, who shares his passion and constantly supports his aspiration; and his mother, Marie Toner Brown, who always enjoyed hearing about his hunting endeavors. This website is dedicated in her memory.

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